Wednesday 7 March 2012

Reflections back home

Imelda and I collecting water
WaterAid / Zute Lightfoot
I've been home for two weeks now and have had time to reflect on our amazing trip to Zambia.  The country was beautiful and the people we met were welcoming and friendly, regardless of their personal circumstances.  While we saw examples of the awful reality of people who have to survive without access to safe, clean water and proper sanitation facilities, we also saw positive examples of how relatively simple solutions can quite literally change lives for the better.

To fully benefit from safe water and sanitation, communities need to know about the links between diseases and unsafe hygiene practices.  Hygiene education focuses on issues such as personal hygiene - the simple act of washing hands with soap and water can reduce diarrhoeal diseases by a third.  Until WaterAid begins working with the communities many people are unaware that it is the dirty water and poor sanitation practices that makes them ill.

Education of children at school is important because they can take the messages home with them.  At Chiyoobola school we heard children reciting poems that they had written about water and sanitation and later in the week we watched some short plays that a theatre group performs to help promote key messages.

Education also helps provide communities with simple solutions that help improve their day to day lives, including the tippy-tap and a rack for drying their pots, pans and dishes.

Another aspect of WaterAid's work that also stood out, was the importance that is placed on community participation - from the initial planning and building through to managing and maintaining projects.  Individuals within communities are given responsibility and committees are set-up to ensure water pumps are maintained and can be repaired if they break.  Other committees are set-up to ensure the WASHE messages are communicated and understood within communities.

I always knew that WaterAid looks to provide sustainable solutions by providing communities with the skills and support to be able to improve their lives. The visit has really bought home just how important the hygiene education and sensitisation aspects of their work is.

WaterAid / Zute Lightfoot
I feel very privileged to have been part of the supporters' trip that visited Zambia in 2012.  I would urge anyone reading my blog to contribute in whatever way they feel they can to help make a difference.  Just £15 can enable one person to access a lasting supply of safe water, improved hygiene and sanitation.  More information can be found on the WaterAid website.

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